Project Touching Huesca is an my personal approach to the stay in region of Huesca in Spain during spring 2009 on art residency Pépinniéres pour les jeunes artists. 

The aim was to make three songs, which reflect private sound mirror of three themes that she considered as the most important her as well as for the place and the people living here. 
During the stay and traveling in the nothern part of Huesca, spanish Pyrenees, I made an extensive collection of sound recordings and photos, was talking to a lot of people, have been watching movies, history documentaries about Aragon and was reading the books related to the region. Soon I found the themes to be modified into the sound composition. 

First composition – Torre de alta tension – has its source in shocking cut of the nature by electric wiring going down from Pyrenees to Portugal. This violent rupture of natural environment is raising important question how to combine the modern style of living with preserving the natural landscape, how to combine the tendencies to globalisation with saving the regional folklor. That' s why all sounds for the composition are based on the collection of electric hums of wires in Pyrenees or broken electricity appliances. This electric energy, a symbol of modernity, is getting during live operating suprisingly eastern meditative and medial character, which reminds the maintained, old traditions. 

Second composition - Banera – deals with the theme of abandoned houses and villages in Pyrenees, which fact has a strong economic and social impact on the surrounding. The roots of moving village habitants to bigger cities such as Huesca and Zaragoza are connected to fast industrial revolution in 1950's , as a demonstration of progressivity of dictator Franco. The after-effect is that all the region is suffering on agriculture lack, importing almost all the products from abroad. One can also feel the deracination and demotivation of villagers, which affects their intimate and social background. All the sounds for the composition comes from the area around Torla, one of the most outstanding places in Pyrenees, surrounded with not only high peaks, waterfalls and brilliant rivers, but also by the memory of past vivid times of villages, from which remains just the ruins. 

Third composition – Ciudad – is in a contrary to this natural environement, reflecting urban athmospere of the city of Huesca, where is on one side strong christian tradition present (such as scary Eastern parade of guilds) and moving young scene involved in rap, hiphop style and social reactionism on the other side. Big thanx goes to two 13-years- old rough “raperas dominicanas” Ruth and Estephany, who kept on telling me all private stories from the city scene. Eventhough they gave up singing for the last performence, I' ve still decided to use their lyrics as a part of in-song conversation and comments. As for the previous composition, all the sounds comes from my daily routine or special occasion while living in that city. 
Eventhought the structure of songs is going through several intern melodic colapses, it always comes to a happy end, which is ment as a slap to the nowadays trend of irony in art, at the same time as my private confession of not to feel ashamed to be possitive and simple. 
Im very plaised i reached the goal to make kind of “pop songs” from the source of very experimental sounds, which should be plaisure and not challenge to listen to. Thats my gift to all who helped me with the realisation, although they haven t been awared of it. 

The project is presented as a live performence with visuals, which reflets each theme. The saxophone line, played live, is considered as the only external link in between of these themes. It can be also presented as a sound specific project with visuals. 

festival Okuparte, Huesca, Spain 2009 
Storytelling festival Sheleftea, Sweden 2013